Is this the Future of Cars?
By David • Mar 18th, 2008 • Category: Geekology, Lead StoryAs oil prices are surging in the United States these days, consumers are wondering how they will be able to function with less car usage.
More than gas prices, there is a growing concern of gas emissions and how they’d affect global warming and the widening ozone layer. The European Union has already passed a law regulating emissions, while the United States, through President Bush, has passed a law asking for automakers to find new innovative ways to replace oil. Most recently, Vice President Cheney traveled to the Middle East seeking to ask for lowered gas prices.
A panacea to these problems may have been found. Two independent entrepreneurs, Steve Fambro and Chris Anthony, both with extensive backgrounds in biotechnology and aerodynamics, may have just found a solution.
Too bad this baby won’t be sold anywhere other than California. But, if it sells well, it might be sold elsewhere. However well this “motorcycle” sells is not relevant. What is, is the fact that this is the future of automobiles and automakers from everywhere should take a close look at how the Aptera is finally revolutionizing mobility.

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